Monday, February 14, 2011

The First $50, or SQUEEEEE!!!

As most of you know, I am now in my mid-thirties and have finally started to write, something I have always wanted to do. 

Why so late?  I've started and stopped a dozen novels, some of which I think were actually pretty good ideas, always sure that whatever I was writing was pure garbage.  Clearly, I've had some real self-esteem issues.  Last year I hit the wall and realized that I was just not happy with the way my life was going.  I was unhappy in my job and that was just the start.  I had managed to complete a novel the year before for Nanowrimo and, stinker though it was, I had had my first taste of success.  I started writing another novel in the spring of last year and you know what?  I actually think I have something there!  I'm still in the process of editing it, but it's coming together. 

In the meantime I realized how much I enjoy writing, and one day I sat down and googled "How do you become a freelance writer" which led me to a site called "About Freelance Writing".  I read everything carefully, followed some links, set my butt firmly in front of the computer and got started. At this point I've published a few articles online and I've sent out some query letters to magazines.  A couple weeks ago I got my first actual rejection letter and, instead of feeling awful and, well, rejected, I actually felt initiated, like I was now officially a member of an exclusive club. 

The best news is, this past weekend I made my first $50 off something I had written and I don't think I've ever been prouder of myself (okay, I exaggerate, I was prouder when I gave birth to my kids -- but it's pretty close!).  But to know that what I am doing is actually valuable in the real world is magical.  It opens up so many doors and possibilities.  Every time I see a piece of this coming together, my mind gets blown all over again. 

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