Thursday, January 6, 2011


As I mentioned yesterday, last night's book for book club was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  A lively discussion ensued around kidlit in general, which I took great delight in, being a total kidlit junkie (check out my favorite book list in my profile if you don't believe me).
It really got me thinking about the books I enjoyed growing up and still enjoy now.  I read the Chronicles of Narnia and Wrinkle in Time series countless times.  I adored Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary.  Charlotte's Web made me (me!) cry over a spider.
One of the awesome things about being a parent is having the opportunity to share the books that I loved so much with the kids and get introduced to the new ones (Spiderwick Chronicles and Percy Jackson anybody??).
My friend Nikki bought me a copy of 1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up.  Essentially a to-do list for me!  Even the little beginner books we have for Maddie have meaning to me: Goodnight Moon, the lovely Eric Carle books, Madeline (of course!).  I still get choked up reading The Lorax
After the discussion last night I have a sneaking suspicion a lot more children's literature is going to find its way on to our reading list. 

And I'm kind of okay with that.

So 'fess up.  Are you a closet kidlit junkie?  What are your favorites?

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