Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Line-Up

Today I met with my advisor (eee! That sounds all cool and ... and... collegiate!!) and we laid out my plan for my classes and electives.  So now I know what I have to look forward to for the next couple of years.  My class plan is thus:

  • Professional Editing I (enrolled, starting in April)
  • Fundamentals of Technical Editing (will be taking the online course that starts on May 9)
  • Fundamentals of Document Design (I need to get a grasp on InDesign for this, so I'm going to need to acquire a copy of "InDesign For Dummies" or something like that... anyone feeling generous??? I just refuse to pay $450 for a course when I'm pretty sure I can get a handle on it myself.)
  • Writing Web Content that Works
  • Writing White Papers
Those are my required classes.  Here's what I chose for my electives:
  • C# for Technical Writers
  • Intro to XML for Technical Writers
  • XHTML Level 1
  • Designing Effective Websites
  • Project Management for Technical Writers
Whew!  This is actually (technically, haha, my little joke there) more credits than I need for my certificate, but I'm okay with that.  It should make me pretty valuable and diverse (look out you software geeks,  soon I will be able to SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE BWAHAHAHAHA...... ahem).  I decided to take a web-heavy route, which I think can only help me in the long run.  The word on the street is that tech writers will need to have some serious web skills soon in order to compete.  So why be behind from the get-go, right?  

1 comment:

  1. Yay:). And I, for one, appreciated your little joke:).
