1. Come up with an idea.
2. File your business license.
3. Order your business cards.
4. Read everything you can find on the subject.
5. Panic.
Wait, what? Panic? It's funny how easy it all seems at first. Truth be told, there's a lot of work to do. I've been busy laying my foundations. I'm getting a bit more done everyday, and things are falling into place. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by how much I have to do, it's time to focus on how much I've already done and what I've managed to accomplish.
Here's what I've done since I first started looking at this whole crazy plan, way back in November:
- Written nearly 600 separate articles on every subject under the sun (it seems).
- Received glowing reviews from many clients, including this one a piece today: "Well written and fast. Thank you so much for a great article."
- Hired for a steady stream of direct orders.
- Been promoted to Senior Reviewer at DailySource.
- Earned a certificate in professional proofreading.
- Picked up as the gaming columnist for Comics Bulletin.
I'll be heading to PAX Prime with media credentials (and I have the schedule for that all blocked out -- going to be some great articles coming out of that one!). I have interviews booked with a number of gaming outlets, and I've figured out which panels I plan to see (Helllooo, Wil Wheaton!).
So what's left? Here's what's coming down the pike...
- I'm creating a report about attracting customers to small businesses.
- I'll be offering up a monthly newsletter (send me an email or comment and I'll add you to my mailing list).
- A series of letters offering my services to local clients.
And that's where things will get interesting.
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